About Us

About Us

Are you interested in working with Anticimex? Get to know us better and find out why we are one of the best pest control companies in the world.

Anticimex is a modern pest control company offering modern preventative solutions for even the most challenging pest problems. Using our in-depth knowledge and experience, we minimize the risk of pests invading homes and businesses. Thanks to our advanced technological and sustainable solutions, we offer our customers efficient, accommodating, and eco-friendly services.

As a global leader in preventive pest control, you can trust us to offer comprehensive pest control solutions.

Pest Control You Can Trust

Pest Control You Can Trust

If a pest infestation is left uncontrolled, it can cause serious health issues and damage property. This is where Anticimex comes in. We use a comprehensive pest control approach by analyzing pests' behavior and living conditions on the property and applying effective Integrated Pest Management (I.P.M.) techniques to get rid of them.

Our pest control experts utilize their decades of experience and science-driven procedures to eliminate all types of pest species. We don't only treat the problem but also eliminate the cause of the infestation for long-term pest protection.

Anticimex SMART Digital Rodent Control System

Anticimex SMART Digital Rodent Control System

Anticimex SMART is an innovative, environmentally friendly, technologically advanced pest control system that constantly watches out for rodent activity and is unlike anything on the market today. The system runs 24/7, 365 days a year, to provide you with peace of mind knowing your property is rodent-free.

Our History

Our History

For more than 90 years, we've been protecting homes, businesses, and commercial facilities from pests. Our company was founded in Sweden in 1934 to deal with the rampant bedbug infestations. After several successful treatments, we expanded our pest control solutions in the '40s. We began eradicating insects and rodents that were potentially harmful to human health and the property structure.

Anticimex became a global pest control company in the '70s, expanding into Norway. Since then, we are established in 21 countries, including Denmark, Germany, Malaysia, and more.

In the 2000s, our company received quality and environmental certifications within ISO 9002 and 14001.

Our ValuesWe're a value-driven company with a strong entrepreneurial spirit that guides our pest control services. Our core values include:

Our pest control experts offer quality services that satisfy clients leading to long relationships with them.

We promote integrity and professionalism to sustain a healthy work environment. You can trust us to keep our promises.


As a top-rated pest control company, we strive to redefine the standard of excellence in everything we do. That's why we embrace opportunities to learn, improve, and drive innovation. We understand that to stay relevant we need to improve our technologies and align with the changing demands of our clients.


We are passionate about what we do. It's this passion that drives us to go the extra mile for our clients. Our teams strive to exceed customer expectations in every way and never settle for less.

Join the Best Pest Control Company Today!

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