The transactions follows on Anticimex’s acquisition of SITA, Clean-Environ Pest Management and Alliance Pest Management last year and forms part of its strategy to expand its presence in the Singapore market via organic growth and further acquisitions.
Commenting on today’s announcement, Andrew Usher, Regional President, Asia Pacific said:
“We are proud that the owners of these two businesses have entrusted Anticimex Singapore with their customers and staff. The acquisition of New Concept and International Pest continues to strengthen our position in the Singaporean market with the added benefit that the customers and staff will gain from being involved in a global pest organisation through such innovations as Anticimex SMART and Anticimex employee reward schemes”.
For more information, please contact:
Jarl Dahlfors, President and CEO of Anticimex Group, +46 70-60 72 051,
Andrew Usher, Regional President, Asia Pacific, +61 413 122 982,